Wallace & Gromit, the beloved animated duo, are set to embark on their maiden voyage into the world of VR, promising an immersive experience unlike any other. Astrea, the publisher known for innovative VR films, has revealed the official trailers for Wallace & Gromit in The Grand Getaway, a pioneering VR adventure, and Jamtastic!, a comical mixed reality game.
An Exciting Leap into VR and Mixed Reality
Earlier this year, Aardman, the multi-award-winning animation studio, in collaboration with immersive storytelling experts Atlas V, teased the VR co-production, The Grand Getaway, at The Future Games Show. Following its premiere at the Venice Immersive Competition, it’s unveiled that along with the VR adventure, fans will be treated to their first foray into mixed reality with Jamtastic!, a zany shooting gallery-style game bundled with The Grand Getaway VR adventure on the Meta Quest store.
Unveiling the Trailers
Today marks the release of full trailers for both the VR and mixed reality experiences. These trailers offer a tantalising glimpse into the whimsical worlds that Wallace & Gromit fans will explore as they step into the duo’s VR adventure and dive into the entertaining universe of mixed reality with Jamtastic.
Wallace & Gromit in The Grand Getaway VR Adventure
Prepare to be transported into Wallace & Gromit’s endearing world like never before. The Grand Getaway VR experience promises a journey brimming with the duo’s trademark wit, humour, and inventiveness. Join Wallace and Gromit as they navigate through delightful situations in an all-new chapter, set to unfold across twelve distinct chapters in a cinematic virtual reality experience.
As they gear up for a golfing getaway with their Auto-Caddy and assistant Beryl, a mix-up in dates sends them on an unexpected rocket-fuelled journey to Mars. Players can expect interactions that make VR so engaging, embodying characters like AutoCaddy, Gromit, and Wallace throughout the immersive escapade.
Jamtastic! Mixed Reality Game For Quest 3
Jamtastic! brings players to the forefront, placing them in Wallace’s shoes while he’s away on his Grand Getaway. Players will test his new ‘jam-to-toast delivery system’ in a blend of a shooting gallery and a joyful mess maker. The game transforms players’ real-world space into a chaotic realm as they navigate 30 unique levels filled with jam-firing challenges and quirky interactions.
“The Jamtastic! team aims to infuse fun and replayability into the game, encouraging players to challenge themselves and others, fostering friendly competition among friends and family,” commented the creators.
A Collaborative Venture for Unique XR Adventures
The Grand Getaway and Jamtastic! are a result of collaboration between Aardman, Atlas V, No Ghost, Albyon, and immersive distributor and publisher Astrea, alongside the Meta Quest team and the German producer Reynard Films. This partnership aims to deliver an unparalleled XR adventure, set to redefine immersive entertainment.
The trailers offer a tantalising peek into the captivating experiences that Wallace & Gromit fans can anticipate as they venture into the VR and mixed reality realms.
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