Realistic War Games You Should Try
What fuels your desire to play realistic war games? Is it that they make your heart beat a little faster? Is...
gamesIndie Game DevApril 21, 2020 -
How Video Games Impact Your Brain’s Chemistry
Playing video games is a popular pastime for a lot of people. In the UK, around 32 million people regularly play...
blogIndie Game DevMarch 30, 2020 -
Top 10 Best Games Released in 2020 So Far
Each year seems to bring even more advances in video game technology and storytelling. Games are quickly asserting themselves as a...
gamesIndie Game DevMarch 29, 2020 -
Doom Eternal: A Shooter With Character
The Slayer is back and is again slaughtered in Doom Eternal by countless demons, zombies and other creatures from hell. The...
gamesIndie Game DevMarch 26, 2020 -
Is There A Future for SNES Games?
SNES stands for Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is also known as Super Nintendo. It is created by Nintendo, issued in...
NintendoIndie Game DevMarch 21, 2020 -
Expand Your Gaming Preferences with These 3 Types of Games
There’s no doubt that technology managed to make the games more realistic, more thrilling than ever, and expand our gaming preferences....
GamingIndie Game DevMarch 16, 2020 -
CS GO – Tips to Improve Your Aim
A problem that many new CS: GO players are facing is bad aim. When you’re new to the game, you can’t...
CSGOIndie Game DevMarch 13, 2020 -
The Biggest Gaming Flops of the 21st Century
Last year, the global video game industry broke the $90 billion dollar mark, doubling that of the movie business and retained...
gamesIndie Game DevMarch 6, 2020 -
5 Different Ways You Can Get Robux
Have you played Roblox? If not, you should really give it a try. It’s an incredible creativity tool that’s great for...
Game DevelopmentIndie Game DevMarch 1, 2020 -
5 Reasons Why Electronic Payments Are Ideal For Businesses
There used to be a time when all money was physical. If you wanted to make a purchase or carry out...
GeneralIndie Game DevFebruary 26, 2020 -
Video Games at the Movies
When it comes to making movies, there’s nothing studios love more than an established property, and who can blame them? With...
Game MoviesIndie Game DevFebruary 26, 2020 -
Reduce Latency or Lag in Online Gaming
Online gaming is all about speed. A single instance of a delayed move could prove fatal. Low latency or lag is...
GeneralIndie Game DevFebruary 25, 2020