Arcade Machines – Why they are Becoming Popular in Australia
Arcade machines are largely perceived to be a dead form of gaming, but nothing could be further from the truth. In...
Gaming LifeIndie Game DevJune 19, 2017 -
Battleborn Goes Free
2K and Gearbox Software today announced Battleborn’s Free Trial, a free downloadable experience that grants unlimited access to all competitive multiplayer gameplay...
FeaturesIndie Game DevJune 6, 2017 -
Tech Review: LucidSound LS30 Gaming Headset
The LucidSound LS30 is first and foremost a gaming headset, if you are expecting a Bluetooth headset, this is not it....
Gaming HeadsetsIndie Game DevMay 25, 2017 -
The Biggest Gaming Trends To lookout for in the Rest Of 2017
Video games have grown to be a respected industry that grosses billions of dollars annually and is now firmly embedded in...
FeaturesIndie Game DevMay 22, 2017 -
Review: The Inner World | Xbox One
I’d forgotten how bad I was at point-and-click games. It took me months to finish the Monkey Island Games and don’t...
Game ReviewsIndie Game DevMay 14, 2017 -
Wonderboy: The Dragons Trap | Earn Money Faster Tip
I know I don’t usually offer tips and cheats on this site, but this one is so easy and so useful...
Hints & TipsIndie Game DevMay 7, 2017 -
Town of Light Creeps onto Xbox One on June 6th
The chilling, first-person psychological adventure game The Town of Light has confirmed the release date as June 6. Featuring numerous improvements...
Gaming NewsIndie Game DevMay 6, 2017 -
Review: Wonderboy: The Dragons Trap | Xbox One
I cannot gush enough about how beautiful the new Wonderboy game really is. The hand painted graphics and lovingly created characters...
Game ReviewsIndie Game DevMay 2, 2017 -
5 of the Most Interesting Mobile Games at EGX Rezzed
EGX was jam-packed with new and exciting games and whilst it was impossible to look at them all. When I wasn’t...
EGXIndie Game DevApril 30, 2017 -
Gaming Debugged: Highly Commended at the UK Blog Awards
The Park Plaza Hotel in Westminster, London was buzzing with hundreds of bloggers, as they gathered for the forth annual UK...
blogIndie Game DevApril 22, 2017 -
First Impressions: Paladins Beta
Hero shooters are all the rage at the moment, but with so many already out and more on the horizon, it’s...
BetaIndie Game DevApril 19, 2017