October has been a busy Month
I have to apologise for the lack of content over the past couple of weeks, I have not forgotten about you....
Gaming LifeIndie Game DevOctober 10, 2014 -
Review: Destiny | Xbox One
Destiny is a fickle mistress who will take you to exquisite heights in the beginning then drip feed addictive morsels to...
Game ReviewsIndie Game DevOctober 3, 2014 -
Early Access: Bedlam | Steam
You may have noticed by my articles on the ‘Best video games from books‘, ‘Best books from video games‘ and ‘Sci-fi...
Early AccessIndie Game DevSeptember 25, 2014 -
Gaming Acquisitions: Amazon/Twitch and Microsoft/Minecraft
Over the past month we have seen two major acquisitions in the games industry. I wanted to take a look at...
Games IndustryIndie Game DevSeptember 19, 2014 -
How will Oculus Rift affect the world?
The primary aim of the virtual world is to let us escape our own reality and so far, we have found...
Oculus RiftJamal AsskoumiSeptember 17, 2014 -
Review: Dead Rising 3 | Xbox One
Something has to be said for standing atop a crashed delivery van, panning round 360 degrees and being surrounded by hundreds...
Game ReviewsIndie Game DevSeptember 9, 2014 -
Dance Central Spotlight Releases on Xbox One for £7.99 / $9.99
The latest, digital-only game in the highly popular Dance Central series is out today on Xbox One for £7.99. Dance Central...
gamesIndie Game DevSeptember 2, 2014 -
Review: Watchdogs | Xbox One
There’s no such thing as a bad idea. I can imagine the brainstorming meeting when the team at Ubisoft Montreal got...
Game ReviewsIndie Game DevSeptember 1, 2014 -
40% Off Game Assets Sale at Graphic-Buffet.com
Our sister site and sponsor Graphic-Buffet.com is having a massive ‘end of summer’ sale with 40% off everything in store. This...
Game DevelopmentIndie Game DevAugust 31, 2014 -
State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition Shuffling its way to Xbox One in 2015
State of Decay appeared on Xbox Live last June and despite it being generally ugly, full of bugs and having vehicles...
gamesIndie Game DevAugust 29, 2014 -
Amazon Buys Twitch for $9.7 Million Dollars
Well, I didn’t see this one coming. With all the talk of Google buying Twitch, who would have thought that it...
Games IndustryIndie Game DevAugust 27, 2014 -
Rise of the Tomb Raider: Timed Exclusive | My Thoughts
There has been a lot of chatter on the interwebs about the recent Gamescom announcement. Phil Spencer announced that Rise of...
Games IndustryIndie Game DevAugust 23, 2014