Arcade Machines – Why they are Becoming Popular in Australia
Arcade machines are largely perceived to be a dead form of gaming, but nothing could be further from the truth. In...
Indie Game DevJune 19, 2017 -
Gaming Review: A Look Back at 1997
After the success of the features that looked at gaming highlights of the 80’s and 90’s, it may come as no...
Indie Game DevJanuary 25, 2017 -
Review: Slain – Back From Hell | Xbox One
I grew up gaming in the eighties and nineties, so I have put many hours into difficult titles such as Castlevania,...
Indie Game DevOctober 28, 2016 -
4 Different Goldie Oldie Games That Can Still be Played Today
Mario Bros – Featuring fearless Italian American brothers, Mario and Luigi, with their well manicured ‘tashes and agile onscreen antics, Mario...
Indie Game DevJune 1, 2015 -
Review: Project Root | Xbox One | ID@Xbox
As you may have noticed by some of the content on GamingDebugged.com, I do enjoy a retro romp down memory lane....
Indie Game DevMay 27, 2015 -
Review: Armillo | Nintendo Wii U | Retro Rolling Action
It’s been a while since I was a rolling rodent smashing through enemies with my super spin attacks. But this has...
Indie Game DevMay 11, 2015 -
90’s Games You Can Play On Your Xbox One Now
2015 is year that back to the future said we would be flying around on hoverboards, wearing self tying shoes and...
Indie Game DevMarch 3, 2015 -
Review: Strider (2014) | Xbox One
Back in 1990, I was in the Nintendo camp opting for a SNES over the Megadrive (or Genesis) but I often...
Indie Game DevFebruary 20, 2015 -
Review: Another World | 20th Anniversary Edition | Xbox One
Another World, also known as Out of this world is over 20 years old and recently released its 20th Anniversary edition...
Indie Game DevFebruary 9, 2015 -
Review: Gods Will Be Watching | Steam
The illusion of choice in video games is something that interests me a lot. When writing a story driven game, developers...
Indie Game DevJanuary 8, 2015 -
Early Access: Bedlam | Steam
You may have noticed by my articles on the ‘Best video games from books‘, ‘Best books from video games‘ and ‘Sci-fi...
Indie Game DevSeptember 25, 2014 -
Indie Game Review: Papers Please | Steam
Papers Please looks like it could have been out on the ZX spectrum back in the 80’s. However, don’t let its...
Indie Game DevJune 20, 2014 -
Shaq-Fu – The Legend Reborn Reaches Crowd Funding Target
Back in 1994, the original Shaq Fu saw the media sensation that was Shaquille O’Neal. The basketball giant O’Neal traveled to...
Indie Game DevMay 7, 2014 -
10 Retro Remakes I Would Love to See
It’s hard not to feel nostalgic about certain video games as they have shaped who I am today. The joy of...
Indie Game DevNovember 1, 2013 -
90’s Week: Leading Ladies of the 90’s
We finish off our 90’s extravaganza with a look at the leading ladies of the 90’s. Girl power was rampant and...
Indie Game DevSeptember 21, 2013 -
90’s Week: The Dawn of The Game Boy
Released in late 1989 the Game Boy revolutionized the mobile gaming market during the 1990’s. The device which is now a...
Indie Game DevSeptember 18, 2013 -
90’s Week: The Best Of The Amiga
The Commodore Amiga started life in the early part of 1983 and for the most part it was expensive and had...
Indie Game DevSeptember 17, 2013 -
90’s Week: The 10 Best Games for the Mega CD
Although the Mega CD wasn’t without its problems you have to respect its pioneering attitude as it was one of the...
Indie Game DevSeptember 16, 2013 -
90’s Week: The Age of the Scrolling Beat-em-up
The ’90s was blessed with so many side scrolling beat-em-ups that arcades the world over were filled with the latest movie,...
Indie Game DevSeptember 15, 2013 -
Born in the 90’s: The Ultimate Metal Slug
Trawling through the arcades in the mid-nineties you would be confronted with a slew of 2D fighting games like Final Fight...
Indie Game DevSeptember 14, 2013