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All posts tagged "game reviews"

  • Game Reviews
    Review: Jazzpunk | Mac | Steam

    Jazzpunk is a surreal first person exploration game from Necrophone Games. Set in an alternate reality where Cold War espionage still...

    Indie Game DevAugust 4, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Gone Home | Mac | Steam

    I have an overactive imagination at the best of times. As a child, I was like most people, in that a...

    Indie Game DevJuly 26, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Preview: There Came an Echo | Xbox One | PS4 | PC

    There Came an Echo is a voice-controlled, squad-based strategy RPG that attempts to take advantage of the new Kinect sensor on...

    Indie Game DevJuly 22, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: SteamWorld Dig | Steam

    There seems to be a craze at the moment where small development companies are jumping on certain game styles until they...

    Indie Game DevJuly 16, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Among The Sleep | Steam

    The unlikely protagonist in Among The Sleep is vulnerable 2 year old toddler maliciously tipped from his cot during the night...

    Indie Game DevJuly 6, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Wolfenstein: The New Order | Xbox One

    Set in both the 1940’s and 1960’s Wolfenstein: The New Order is the story of an alternate future where the Nazi’s...

    Indie Game DevJune 26, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Indie Game Review: Papers Please | Steam

    Papers Please looks like it could have been out on the ZX spectrum back in the 80’s. However, don’t let its...

    Indie Game DevJune 20, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Indie Game Review: The Stanley Parable | Steam

    The Stanley Parable isn’t a long game, nor is it really a game at all. I guess I would describe it...

    Indie Game DevJune 3, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Trials Fusion | Xbox One

    If you have played a trails game before then you’ll instantly feel at home with the latest game from Red Lynx....

    Indie Game DevMay 30, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Indie Game Review: The Novelist | Steam

    Video games rarely make people well up or shed a tear. OK, I may have gone glassy-eyed when we met Dom’s...

    Indie Game DevMay 21, 2014
  • Childrens Games
    Review: Zoo Tycoon | Xbox One [Video]

    I primarily got Zoo Tycoon for my daughters as the amount of Xbox one games or children is pretty limited. I’ve...

    Indie Game DevMay 20, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Rayman Legends | Xbox One

    Rayman Legends has been raved about in the media and is the highest-rated game on the Xbox one to date on...

    Indie Game DevMay 19, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Titanfall | Xbox One [Video]

    The feeling of a mere soldier taking down a Goliath such as a one of the hulking metal Titans in Titanfall...

    Indie Game DevMay 7, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Tomb Raider Review | Xbox One [VIDEO]

    One of the most iconic characters in gaming is back and what an entrance she makes. I must admit the I...

    Indie Game DevApril 17, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Battlefield 4 Review | Xbox One [VIDEO]

    The first battle on the next-gen consoles was fought between Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts and in my opinion,...

    Indie Game DevApril 1, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Ryse: Son of Rome | Xbox One [VIDEO]

    Ryse was very much the display piece for Microsoft whilst building hype for the Xbox One. The graphics are stunning and...

    Indie Game DevMarch 6, 2014
  • Game Reviews
    Review: Call of Duty Ghosts | Xbox One

    I feel like Jekyll and Hyde writing this review as Luckily for me, I played this game before playing Battlefield 4....

    Indie Game DevJanuary 16, 2014
  • Articles
    Christmas Gift Ideas For Your Gamer

    Christmas is nearly upon us but for the most of us, it came early with the arrival of the shiny new...

    Indie Game DevDecember 4, 2013
  • Articles
    Xbox One Launch Day Review

    This is entitled ‘launch day review’ as it is a review based on only 24hrs worth of play and exploration time...

    Indie Game DevNovember 23, 2013
  • Android
    Review: Asphalt 8 Airborne | Android [From AppTrawler]

    The Gaming Debugged sister site has a whole host of reviews and previews of games and apps. The following is...

    Indie Game DevNovember 8, 2013