All posts tagged "indie gaming"
Game ReviewsIndie Game Review: The Novelist | Steam
Video games rarely make people well up or shed a tear. OK, I may have gone glassy-eyed when we met Dom’s...
Indie Game DevMay 21, 2014 -
GeneralMicrosoft announced 25 indie games that are heading to Xbox One
Some fantastic news came out of GDC last night as Microsoft announced a whopping 25 indie games that are heading to...
Indie Game DevMarch 19, 2014 -
Game DevelopmentIndie Developer Interview: Beansprites | Games For Children
When it comes to children’s games, not many indie developers have such an extensive back catalog as Beansprites, a small team...
Indie Game DevOctober 28, 2013 -
gamesShameless Indie Games Plug – Sorry!
Now, I don’t do this often (if at all), but I just thought that I would let you know about a...
Indie Game DevAugust 16, 2013 -
GiveawayGIVEAWAY: Game Graphic Giveaway for Indie Devs
The Gaming Debugged blog has been on a roll recently and it’s been great to see our readership grow and grow....
Indie Game DevMarch 22, 2013 -
blog31 Gamesalad Optimization Tips
One thing that we all worry about when producing games with Gamesalad is performance. Even with the new LUA-Free engine coming...
Indie Game DevJanuary 15, 2013 -
ArticlesGame Development Dairy #4 Super Drop Zone
My game idea for the One Game A Month challenge has finally moved from paper to Adobe Illustrator. So far I...
Indie Game DevJanuary 10, 2013 -
blogGame Development Diary #3
First Snags: Technical It was only going to be a matter of time before I hit a couple of bumps in...
Indie Game DevJanuary 6, 2013 -
ArticlesGuide to Starting an Indie Game Company
In the past several years, many independent developers have gone head to head with Blizzard, Electronic Arts and many other gaming...
Kalen SmithAugust 16, 2012 -
ArticlesSocial Media and the Indie Gamer
Social media should be the first port of call for any indie developer; it's free to set up, can be done...
Indie Game DevAugust 12, 2012 -
ArticlesIndie Game Development Tips: Deadline іt оr Deadlist It
Use it of lose it... if you game is not going anywhere maybe you need to deadlist it...
Indie Game DevAugust 11, 2012 -
ArticlesIndie Game Design & Development
In the past, game creation was reserved only to a few companies that had the financial power to hire good programmers...
Indie Game DevJune 14, 2012