Getting Into The Game | Next Gen Games That Star YOU
The next generation of gaming is steering away from the graphics and instead focusing more on the player. The two main...
Indie Game DevNovember 22, 2013 -
Will 2014 be the renaissance of online gaming?
Online gaming has sure come a long way since the ancient days of text-based adventures such as Gemstone and Dragon’s Gate....
John TerraOctober 8, 2013 -
Xbox One Games for Children
The iPad showed both the industry and families that simple games that appeal to toddlers and young children...
Indie Game DevSeptember 30, 2013 -
Microsoft Tanks Xbox One Announcement: Where They Went Wrong
It’s been three months now since the unveiling of Xbox One and during this time there has been a lot of...
Indie Game DevSeptember 7, 2013 -
Xbox One Titbits Learned Last Week
The countdown to Xbox One is in full swing and if the rumors of a November 5th Launch day are true...
Indie Game DevAugust 13, 2013 -
Xbox One or PS4 – Lets hear from the ladies 2
The newest generation of gaming is almost out in the Xbox One and the PS4. Both consoles will be out by...
Indie Game DevAugust 1, 2013 -
Xbox One or PS4 – Let’s hear from the ladies
Since the major reveal of both consoles, there’s been a slow unveiling of more games, features and news for the Xbox...
Indie Game DevJuly 25, 2013 -
The Dark Age of Gaming – 5 Awesome Games Set in the Dark Ages
The whirlwind that is the Xbox One and PS4 pre-launch marketing has me spinning around with excitement. Every day I glean...
Indie Game DevJuly 14, 2013 -
Your Assignment: List 5 Great Spy Related Video Games
Among the vast array of video games genres, spy games hold a special place in people’s hearts, they take all around...
Claudia JackJuly 12, 2013 -
From E3 to Episode 3 – A look at the Third Game in Franchises
This year’s E3 has been super exciting, with the reveal of prices and more detail on both Microsoft and Sony’s next...
Indie Game DevJune 19, 2013 -
Why the Xbox One monitoring is nothing to worry about
Monitor away Microsoft With rumors flying around about the Xbox One being able to monitor our gaming and watch our behavior...
Indie Game DevJune 10, 2013 -
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Xbox One
The Xbox One has been, since its reveal, heavily criticized due to many issues. In fact, you’ve probably heard more of...
Indie Game DevJune 7, 2013 -
My current Xbox One TV achievements
It has recently been discovered that Microsoft have filed a patent for TV achievements. If they are similar to their game...
Indie Game DevJune 6, 2013 -
15 Multi-Platform Racing Games You Have Got to Play
Racing games have always been some of the most popular games on any platform. Since the first F-1 game on the...
Amber SatkaJune 4, 2013